Patent Boutique LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC399129.
Registered address: 10A Printing House Yard, Hackney Road, London, E2 7PR, UK.
The members of Patent Boutique LLP are: Jon Broughton, Simon Foster and Richard Leoni. “Partner” means a member of Patent Boutique LLP.
CPA (Chartered Patent Attorney) refers to a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys, a professional body for patent attorneys in the UK.
The CPAs of Patent Boutique LLP are registered in the UK.
EPA (European Patent Attorney) refers to a patent attorney registered at the EPO.
Regulated by IPReg.
Insured by PAMIA Limited.
Our terms of business can be viewed here.
Our complaints procedure can be viewed here.
Our privacy policy can be viewed here.
Our candidate privacy notice can be viewed here.
The information on this website has been provided for the clients of Patent Boutique. Whilst care has been taken over the content of the information to ensure its accuracy, it is only intended to be a summary, and no responsibility can be accepted by Patent Boutique for errors or omissions, however caused, or for any loss to any person as a result of material on this website.
If you require advice on any aspect of intellectual property law, you should contact us or your usual advisors.